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What To Look For In Awning Replacement Fabric

Awnings are a great addition to your RV. The ability to set up camp and sit under the shade while driving across the country shouldn’t be taken for granted. However, over time your RV awning will become worn from exposure and use. When it’s time to select an awning replacement fabric, the choice can be difficult. Here’s what to look for in awning replacement fabric and which awning replacement fabric is best for you!


When choosing an awning fabric, avoid cheap-looking (often very inexpensive) fabrics. While you may save a buck upfront, these cheap fabrics often need to be better made and need to be replaced frequently.

Instead, look for quality fabrics that look good and well-made. High-quality vinyl or acrylic are both great options for your awning replacement. Consider looking into these great choices and enjoy boasting an RV awning that’s functional and looks great too!


While awning fabric will inevitably deteriorate over time, some replacement fabrics fade faster than others. The quality of the material plays a part, but the material itself is also an important factor to consider.

Consider the elements that your awning will be exposed to. Do you live in a wet climate that gets lots of rain? Or do you live in a dry climate that has brutal heat?

Consider acrylic fabric as a great option for either of the above climates as it’s a light, woven fabric that can withstand the heat all year long. However, depending on where you live and the weather, you may need to look into more options. Do some research, or ask a veteran RV driver near you!


While customizability isn’t necessarily the most crucial aspect, it’s still important and fun. While RV awnings should always be functional before anything else, try to find one that can be customized to match your RV. Whether it’s a specialty print to match your quirky personality, or a subtle color that matches your RV’s aesthetic, try to find an awning material that comes in a color or pattern that matches the rest of your decor.

Which Awning Replacement Fabric is Best?

RV awnings can be made from several different types of material. Knowing which fabric is best for you is a matter of knowing their benefits as well as their shortcomings. While different fabrics have different strengths, the awning replacement fabric you choose can directly impact things such as the lifespan of your awning, its durability, and even how easily you can clean it down the road.

Vinyl And Polyester Composite

This option is one of the most common choices for RV owners due to its durability. Vinyl and polyester composite fabrics are able to withstand the toughest of elements since they are waterproof and largely fire-retardant.

This selection offers both versatility and flexibility as the material is lightweight and very flexible. The benefits of this option make it an excellent choice for both residential or commercial applications.


Just like vinyl, acrylic awnings are a great choice for RV owners. More durable than traditional cotton blend awning fabric, acrylic offers water resistance and pleasing aesthetics. Resistant to mildew, these awnings are an excellent option for those who spend a lot of time in humid or moist environments.

Vinyl Coated

Some awning replacement fabrics are coated in vinyl. This gives you the weather resistance and durability of vinyl, as well as the design and aesthetic of whichever fabric you choose. While these awnings tend to be a little heavier than other options, they are resistant to mildew and are a great option.

When choosing a vinyl-coated awning replacement fabric, be cautious to choose one of quality. Cheap awnings made from this material tend to fall apart quickly as holes develop in the vinyl coating. Over time they might start to look less like an awning and more like a cheap restaurant menu.


Metal awnings aren’t the most popular option, but they have several unique advantages. One of the most durable options on the market, metal awnings allows for peace of mind knowing that you can withstand the toughest of storms.

While metal awnings are heavy-duty, there are several disadvantages as well. Metal awnings require much more maintenance than their competitors as they are less versatile and more easily damaged. If you choose a metal awning, you’ll likely have to spend time protecting it from rust and making minor repairs.

Natural Materials

One of the most beautiful options is an awning made from natural materials such as wood or canvas. These options tend to be cheaper and therefore fall apart more quickly. That being said, the natural look of wood or canvas is sure to catch the eye of others as you drive by.

Regardless of which awning replacement fabric you choose, make sure that it suits your needs and that you consult an expert about what might work best for you. Every awning has pros and cons, and being aware of these is essential to helping your awning last longer.

We Can Help You!

RV Awnings specializes in making awning fabric of the highest standard and offers a variety of options. If you have any further questions or would like to order replacement fabric for your awning, call us today.

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