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RV Full-Time

10 Tips for Living in an RV Full-Time

Whether you plan to travel in your RV full-time or simply to take a long vacation, making the transition can be difficult. Before living in your RV for an extended time period, it is a good idea to consider potential scenarios and take preventive measures. We recommend that you keep the following tips in mind.

Practical Tips for Full-Time RVers

Full-time traveling is certainly an adventure, which means spontaneity is part of the fun. However, a little planning never hurts. Staying organized throughout the transition process makes life much easier, so take care to apply these 10 tips.

  • Make lots of lists.

You have probably been asked before, “Are you a list person?” While people tend to divide themselves into two groups (“list person” or “not a list person”), becoming a list person is extremely helpful for full-time travelers.

Keep lists of pre-departure tasks, RV maintenance tasks, items to bring, items to buy, etc. Categorize these lists, then check off tasks as you complete them. Trust us, a lot goes into full-time travel. Keeping a visual representation of each factor helps you stay organized and on-target.

  • Get down to the basics.

Unless your RV is the size of a house, you will probably have to channel some inner minimalism. Take the time to sort through your belongings and simplify wherever possible. Categorize items by “necessary,” “unnecessary,” and “nice to have.”

The kitchen is a particularly good place to cut down on extra items. Try to stick to the cookware basics, or buy miniature camping versions of large items (such as grills). Sell or donate extra items for some traveling cash.

  • Practice traveling.

Unless you are brand new to the RV life, you probably have a few trips under your belt. However, if your full-time venture is your first experience, take some smaller trips first. Start with a weekend, then slowly increase your time increment until you are used to the RV lifestyle. This will make the full-time transition much easier.

  • Go as paperless as possible.

If you plan to spend months at a time in one RV park, this tip is optional. On the other hand, if you plan to stay on the road most of the time, we recommend that you begin the “paperless” process. Picking up mail on the road can be a pain, so switching credit cards, bills, etc. to a digital format makes it harder to lose important documents.

  • Join RV groups.

RV associations or clubs provide a great way to form connections and receive advice from other travelers. See how other full-time travelers operate and share your ideas as well.

  • Create a budget.

Living in an RV tends to encourage a spirit of spontaneity and adventure. However, maintaining a budget in an RV Full-Time is just as important as maintaining a budget in a house. Keep track of the money you spend, and allow some elbow room for unexpected repairs.

  • Set a departure date.

Choose a reasonable date to leave, and then hold yourself to it. Assigning yourself a “deadline” motivates you to get your affairs in order, do your research, and get on the road. Otherwise, it becomes easy to put your lifestyle change off indefinitely. If it’s your dream to live in an RV full-time, make that dream happen!

  • Draft a daily schedule.

Before making the big switch, imagine what your daily schedule will look like. Try to write it out hour-by-hour. This helps you visualize what items you’ll need, how much free time you’ll have, etc.

  • Invest in RV features and accessories.

Don’t be afraid to splurge a little on items that are designed to make RV life easier. Particularly if you are going full-time, indoor and outdoor accessories play an important role in increasing your comfort.

  • Never stop researching.

There is always something to learn on the road, so do your research. Talk to fellow RVers, see what works for them, and never stop seeking to enhance your RV adventure.

How Can We Help?

RV Awnings specializes in making awning replacement fabric of the highest standard and offers a variety of options. If you have any further questions or would like to order a replacement awning fabric, call us today.

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